Albanien – Kosovo:: mit einem Null Bildungs Stand und selbst ernannten Partei Buch Lehrer

Posted on Oktober 9, 2011 von


Nur noch peinlich was  sich in Europa abspielt, das nur Partei Gänger, ohne Qualifikation, also die Dümmsten Professoren, Lehrer werden, aber auch Diplome und Titel sich erkaufen. Sogar für Tourismus zu blöde, denn die Gestalten inzwischen ruinierten mit Beton und Dreck.  Schulen, Ausbidlung, übernehmen reine Mafia Gruppen, oder sogar Al-Quida Gestalten, über Mafia Parteien, wie man es gut auch in Albanien sieht, oder dem Bin Laden Partner: Hashim Thaci und Haradinaja, deren Partnerschaft, sogar vom damaligen Geheimdienst Chef in Tirana: Fatos Klosi bestätigt wurde. Alles dem FBI ebenso bekannt, siehe unten.

Albanien: Land des Null Bildungs Standards: Medizin Studenten demonstrieren

Medizin Studenten protestieren wegen unzumutbaren Bedingungen

Kosovo’s education sector questioned


The murder of Pristina Education Director Remzi Salihu last week has sparked a debate on how Kosovo’s education system is run.

By Muhamet Brajshori for Southeast European Times in Pristina — 08/10/11

photoPristina Education Director Remzi Salihu was shot and killed in his office. [Laura Hasani/SETimes]

The October 3rd murder of Pristina Education Director Remzi Salihu has raised serious questions about Kosovo’s education system and the process by which employees are promoted and hired.

Salihu was allegedly shot and killed in his office by Biology Teacher Gani Sahiti, who was a candidate for school dean at the Aferdita primary school.

He did not get the job, and on October 3rd, he went to complain to Salihu.

Lindita Kosumi, an education expert told SETimes that the ministry of education and all municipalities should advance their hiring methods.

„It is clear that corruption and nepotism play a key role in getting a job in the education sector in Pristina and all other municipalities around Kosovo, so Pristina is not the only case. The way the call is done, the criterias and the selection are suspicious,“ Kosumi said.

Kosumi said that having familiar links or being member of political parties that run the cities is an important factor to get a job as teacher or school director.

„In each city, the political party which runs it employs their militants as school directors and teachers sometime unfortunately. This cause lack of professionalism and lack of quality, which has an long-term impact on having an undeveloped education sector, and children who will not get an adequate education. We are now paying the bills for that,“ said Kosumi.

Aferdita Bahtiri has two children who go in the Emin Duraku primary school in Pristina. She says that the latest incidents worry her about security in the city and the school especially.

„Imagine when one of the highest city officials is murdered in his office, what safety have our children in the schools or we all in the city,“ Bahtiri told SETimes.

Council for Defending Human Rights and Freedoms Executive Director Behxhet Shala tells SETimes that this tragedy could have been prevented if a better process was implemented.

„This murder could be avoided — [it shows] to what level insecurity in Kosovo [has reached], and there are no preventive mechanisms for these crimes,“ said Shala.

4.10.2011: primitiver UCK Voll Idiot, der sich Biologie Professor: ermordet den Phristina Schul Direktor Remzi Salihu

comment: the education system is a production from stupid people without education. The most theachers a stupidos.

2009, waren noch die Studenten und Jugendlichen, für die Salih Berisha Regierung. Inzwischen fordert man deutlich die Absetzung der Regierung und ebenso die Entlassung, ihrer verdummten Professoren, die Nichts wissen, aber ein Partei Buch haben. Idioten ohne richtigen Haut Schul Abschluß, können in Albanien, ohne Problem Minister werden, (oder gar Parlaments Präsident, PM etc..), weswegen Nichts funktioniert. Das ist wie mit Joschka Fischer, der auch nur Haupt Schul Abschluß hatte und einen Taxi Schein, als Berufs Ausbildung.

Die Studenten fordern die Ablösung ihrer Professoren und ihre Ausbildung auf eine moderne Ausbildung zu bringen. Die Bücher, der Medizin Bücher sind von 1972! Wo wohl das viel Geld, für Bildung in Albanien geblieben ist, wo doch der Herr Micky Maus Minister Genc Pollo, zwar sehr gut Deutsch kann, gute Beziehungen nach Österreich hat und zu Gestalten, welche sehr viel Geld haben und in Luxus Top Autos herum fahren.

Verdummung und Null Wissenschaftliche Lehre, ist ein Markenzeichen im Süd Balkan, wo Professoren Idioten sind. Das wurde sogar von dem Bildungs Minister in Mazedonien ebenso festgestellt, das man sich nur Titel zusammen kauft.

Bei einem Meeting der HSS in Tirana, wurde identischen Dumm Wissen, festgestellt, was man immer noch versucht zu verkaufen.

Forschung | 03.12.2010
Wissenschaft im Dienste der Ideologie
Die Antike hält her für nationalistische Mythenbildung
Auch 20 Jahre nach der Wende halten sich in den albanischsprachigen Geisteswissenschaften alte ideologische Klischees hartnäckig. Historiker und Philologen verteidigen den Mythos der illyrischen Abstammung der Albaner.
[4] D-Welle

aus [5] balkanforum

Report: poor education affects Albania’s economic growth


TIRANA, Albania — The low level of education in Albania is hindering economic growth, according to a new report by the World Bank, quoted by local media on Monday (November 30th). Albania has fewer educated employees compared to developed countries and countries in the region, the document concluded. Currently, Albania has the lowest number of high school graduates — 48.7% compared to 62% in the Balkans. By the end of 2009, more than half of the big companies in the country cited lack of knowledge among their employees as their biggest barrier. The World Bank said this is critical, as companies are the catalyst for potential future economic growth. Albania is spending less on education, the report noted, and ten times less on scientific research than EU countries. (Top Channel, News 24, Top [6] News – 30/11/10)

[7] A New Agenda for Albania’s Future Growth (Press Release)

[8] Albanische Wissenschaft isoliert sich 

Dies würde auch die Wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse von allen anerkannten Universitäten stützen, das die Albaner absolut Nichts mit den Illyriern zu tun haben, sondern das dies eine Mythen Erfindung der Albanischen Mafia ist um Territoriale Ansprüche zu stellen. siehe auch andere Studien Erkenntnisse der Uni München oder Standford-USA


Die Albanische Mafia entwickelt mysteröse Geschichts Fälschung wie im Kindergarten, über solche Websites, wo jeder seinen Unfug dazu geben kann.
Dummerweise tauchen diese Namen, in keiner seriösen Universität auch nur auf.

Albanian Mafia fueling Al Qaeda terrorist activity in US: Kosovo schools and orphanages open

The FBI Seal where the circle of stars represe...
Chief perpetrators of drug and people smuggling, human body part and weapons sales, sex slavery, passport theft, forgery, abductions and murder, the Albanian Mafia remains to be domineering in their criminal activity both domestically and abroad.
“The Albanian criminal enterprises, operating largely in New York and other Eastern seaboard cities, represent a major challenge to federal agents because of their propensity for violence and brutality,” FBI officials indicate.
“They are a hardened group, operating with reckless abandon,” said Chris Swecker, the FBI assistant director for the Criminal Investigative Division according to a CNN report.
Interpol stated that “Kosovo Albanian Mafia hold the largest share of the heroin market in Switzerland, in Austria, in Belgium, in Germany, in Hungary, in the Czech Republic, in Norway, and in Sweden.”
The head of Sweden’s anti drug unit believes that the gangs supplied “hundreds, maybe thousands, of kilos of heroin” to the Scandinavian countries. The Albanian Muslim Mafia clans are dispersed in Kosovo and Macedonia as well as Albania proper.
The Italian Mafia and the Albanian Mafia
“I hate these f**** Albanians,” a captain in the Genovese crime family was captured saying on tape. The captain continued,
“If you have a beef with them you have to kill them right away. There’s no talking to them.”
Reports indicate that the Albanian Mafia including immigrants from Kosovo has replaced the Italian La Cosa Nostra Mafia, an offshoot of the Sicilian Mafia.
To understand the capacity and how far the arms reach of the Albanian Mafia is to understand briefly the magnitude of La Cosa Nostra aka The Italian-American Mafia:
There are five main New York City Mafia families, known as the Five Families: the Gambino, Lucchese, Genovese, Bonanno and Colombo families.
The Italian-American Mafia aka La Cosa Nostra dominated organized crime in the U.S. It used this status to maintain control over much of the organized crime activity in Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Providence, New Jersey, and New York City, as well as in other cities in the Northeastern United States and across the country, such as Las Vegas, Tampa, New Orleans, Miami, Kansas City, Milwaukee, and many others.
La Cosa Nostra often referred to as the “original Mafia,” was at one time thought to be one of the largest organized crime groups in the United States and held dominance of the National Crime Syndicate.
The Albanian Mafia has been thought to greatly exceed this dominant power and poses as an outstanding figure as one of the most violent crime organizations in operation particularly with their strong connections in Europe union.
Replacing La Cosa Nostra in its rank, size, power and figure in organized crime, the Albanian Mafia holds itself as a domineering force in the Mafia underworld.
Further, a predominant Catholic Mafia is being replaced by a predominant Muslim Albanian FIS.
The Gambino crime family recruits ethnic Albanian assassins
In the 1970s, the Italian Mafia, more specifically the Gambino family recruited and employed Albanians as couriers, transporters, and more significantly assasins as a result of their proficiency.
By 1996, ethnic Albanians were the main assassins for the Gambino family.

At least two of the Gambino Family’s major players or “high level associates,” including Zef Mustafa  were of Albanian enthnicity. Mustafa allegedly made over $700 million for the Gambino family, was later arrested for a $19 million dollar internet heist, and subsequently released on a $5 milliion bond disappearing from the United States.
“The ethnic Albanian mafia is very powerful and extremely violent,” said Kim Kliver, chief investigator for organized crime with the Danish National Police.
“If you compare them to the Italian Mafia, the Albanians are stronger and not afraid of killing.”

“The Albanian criminals were special from the beginning,” said Francesca Marcelli, an organized-crime investigator for the Italian government.
Marcelli continued:
When they started appearing here in 1993, they were much different than other immigrants. They have strong motivations and are very violent. Some of them actually pulled machine guns on the son of an Italian Mafioso. To do that in Italy is unbelievable.”
In the north of Italy, the Albanians have taken the prostitution racket away from the country’s toughest Mafia branch, the ‘Ndrangheta.
A representative from the Polish Mob in 2002 was found saying:
“I’m willing to do business with just about anyone. Dominicans, Blacks. Italians. Asian gangs. Russians. But won’t go near the Albanian mob. The Albanians are too violent and too unpredictable.”
Ties to Kosovo Liberation Army and Al Qaeda
Alleged ties to Al-Qaeda, the Albanian Mafia, one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the United States and Europe stretches throughout the United States, Canada, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia.

The FBI believes largely that the Albanian Mafia could be involved in “terrorist financing,” adding more specifically, “ties to organizations suspected of involvement in terrorist financing.”
Even more so, support of Al Qaeda prove notable in the following:

Even more so, support of Al Qaeda prove notable in the following:
Yossef Bodansky, former Director of House Task Force on Terrorism, committed to saying,
“The Albanian mob will not commit acts of terrorism…but will aid Al Qaeda..The role of the Albanian Mafia-tightly connected to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA a declared terrorist organization) is laundering money, providing technology, safe houses and other support to terrorists within this country.”
Most if not all of the KLA has been trained and financially supported by Al Qaeda.
(Kosovo was marked as a potential recruiting ground for Islamic extremists. The large numbers of young Muslims living in abject poverty in Kosovo plays ideally into the hands of terrorist recruiters. Al-Qaeda is extremely interested in the region because the Muslim families are large and teenagers make up half of Kosovo’s population, making Kosovo a prime reservoir for the recruitment of young Mujahedeen.)

  • 24 Wahhabi mosques , 14 orphanages and 98 primary and secondary Wahhabi funded schools have been built in Kosovo since 1999. Wahhabism Islam across the spectrum from revival and reform to global jihad is thought to be the chief spiritual source of the Al Qaeda terrorists.

(Chairman Kyl, Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security on Thursday, June 26, 2003 stated: “I come before this body to describe how adherents of Wahhabism, the most extreme, separatist, and violent form of Islam, and the official sect in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, have come to dominate Islam in the U.S. “)


Albanian Secret Service Chief Fatos Klosi in 16.5.1998 in der “Albania” durch den Albanischen Geheimdienst Chef Fatos Klosi: KLA (UCK) is financed by Bin Laden und oben links: Ferdinand Xhafferie, war der Kommunikator, für den Super Verbrecher der Todes Schwadrone: Xhavit Halili, einem Salih Berisha, bestens bekannt, wie dieser Artikel gut beweist, und besonders peinlich.

Xhaferri: „Rugova i sherben Milloshevicit = „Rugova steht in Diensten von Milosevic“

Aufruf von Ferdinand Xhaferri, nach einem Abend Essen(in 2002)  mit dem Mitte Mai 2002, entsorgten Terroristen und Mafia Paten: US Botschafter Josef Limprecht, der keinen Ehren Empfang in den USA erhielt, als sein Leichnam in die USA gebracht wurde, und sein illegales Vermögen in Albanien, aus dem Drogen und Waffen Geschäft, Frauen Handel, wurde Albanisches Hilfs Organisationen gegeben.

Als Deutschland die Bildung aufbauen wollte mit vielen Millionen, brachte die Kosovo Dum Mafia, einen Idioten als angeblichen Professor, der Nichts kapierte!

Der internationale Apparat gefiel sich immer besser und wuchs zu so herrschaftlicher Größe, dass niemand mehr danach fragte, wem oder was dieser Apparat dient. Schon 1999 waren die noch am Boden liegenden Parteien eingeladen, ihre Vertreter in die neue „Übergangsregierung“ der UN zu schicken. Ins Bildungsressort entsandten die UN Michael Daxner, einen ehemaligen Rektor der Universität Oldenburg. Von albanischer Seite wurde ein farbloser Parteimann nominiert, der allen Debatten verständnislos zuhörte. Leichtes Spiel hatte Daxner deshalb nicht. Im Gegenteil: Mangels Unterstützung durch einen kundigen Albaner scheiterte der erfahrene deutsche Reformer an den konservativen Professoren im Kosovo. Heute gilt die Universität in Prishtina als Europas traurigste Reformruine der Nachkriegszeit. „Etliche hier lesen bloß ihre uralten Skripten aus kommunistischer Zeit vor“, klagt Politologie-Professor Enver Hoxhaj, der wie die anderen Hochschullehrer mit gut 150 Euro im Monat auskommen muss. Wer Englisch kann und nicht über Hoxhajs Idealismus verfügt, arbeitet längst als Übersetzer bei einer internationalen Organisation – für das dreifache Gehalt.

Situation and the Problems at the University of Prishtina

Analytical report of research into the standards and problems at the University of Prishtina. Ten years since the end of the war in Kosovo, the University of Prishtina (UP) continues to suffer from a variety of problems, resulting in persistently low quality courses being offered. For this reason, BIRN conducted research into the problems faced by UP students. The data gathered suggests that, out of the many issues reported, the most significant are: the non-implementation of contemporary teaching and assessment methods, the lack of practical work for students, the lack of appropriate academic literature, arbitrary assessments by professors and generally poor relationships between students and their professors.