Berufs Verbrecher Fatmir Limaj im aktuellen Focus: Bestechung des EULEX US Staatsanwaltes Troy Wilkinson, finanziert durch Mafia Gelder

Posted on Februar 3, 2013 von


Gut das es noch Staatsanälte wie Johannes Picker gibt, denn die Glaubwürdigkeit der EULEX ist ziemlich am Boden, nachdem der erneuten kriminellen Orgie von den US Verbrecher und Staatsanwalt Troy Wilkinson, oder einem Ex-Mafia General Steven Schook, der genauso korrupt war, wie Joachim Rückers und Michael STeinerm mit seiner Gashi Mafia. Daily: Ex-KLA’s (Fatmir Limaj) defense financed with “dirty money” payed by the Kosovo Mafia: the most corruption and criminal Person in the EULEX Mission:

Troy Wilkinson

Troy Wilkinson

Troy Wilkinson EULEX Mission im Kosovo mit korrupten Staatsanwälten: Troy Wilkinson wurde von der Gruppe Limaj gezahlt Daily: Ex-KLA’s defense financed with “dirty money” Source: Beta PRIŠTINA — Kosovo’s Special Prosecution suspects that a part of the money spent on ex-KLA commander Fatmir Limaj’s defense came from criminal activities.

Fatmir Limaj (FoNet, file)

Fatmir Limaj (FoNet, file)

This is according to Priština-based Albanian language daily Koha Ditore. Limaj’s defense before the Hague Tribunal cost EUR 1mn and another EUR 1mn was spent for his defense in Priština in the case of war crimes in an illegal detention camp of the now disbanded ethnic Albanian terrorist group Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the village of Klečka. EUR 1mn came from the Limaj Fund while prosecutors suspect that the second million came from criminal activities. The Special Prosecution has indicted Limaj and two of his brothers, Demir and Florimi, for money laundering and they are facing up to ten years in prison and a fine three times bigger than the amount of the money suspected of being illegally obtained. Kosovo’s Special Prosecution’s German Prosecutor Johannes Picker suspects that Limaj’s lawyer Karim Khan was paid with “dirty money”. Picker stated in the indictment that Demir Limaj had sold an unregistered property to Arbon Desku of Klina for EUR 500,000 in November 2011. “In December 2011, Demir Limaj transferred EUR 316,900 and on January 12 another EUR 120,000 to the account of Fatmir Limaj’s attorney Karim Khan in the Netherlands,” the prosecutor said. Khan was Limaj’s defense attorney in war crimes cases in The Hague and in Priština. Limaj was found not guilty for war crimes against Serbs and ethnic Albanians in the KLA camp in Lapušnik. He is facing a trial for kidnapping and murdering Serb civilians and members of the Yugoslav Army (VJ) in a KLA camp in Klečka in 1999 before the Priština court. Mbrojtja e Limajt u pagua me afro dy milionë euro Rreth dy milionë euro i kanë kushtuar dy procese gjyqësore deputetit Fatmir Limaj. Një milion në Gjykatën e Hagës dhe një milion në Prishtinë në rastin “Kleçka”. Njëmilionëshi i parë burim ka fondin “Limaj”, e njëmilionëshi i dytë dyshohet se e ka krimin. Mbi këtë bazë, Prokuroria Speciale ka ngritur akuzë për shpëlarje parash kundër deputetit Limaj dhe dy vëllezërve të tij, Demirit dhe Florimit, vepër kjo e dënueshme deri në dhjetë vjet burgim dhe gjobë tri herë më të lartë sesa vlera e parave që dyshohen se rrjedhin nga krimi. më shumë Tracey Jacobson und die Fortsetzung der US kriminellen Orgien bei der Privatisierung im Kosovo Das BND-Dokument, ursprünglich als streng vertraulich angedacht, ist unter zu finden.

30/10/2012 – Rule of law assistance to Kosovo not sufficiently effective

die Langzeit Expertin im Europa Parlament für den Balkan: Doris Pack, schüttelt ebenso den Kopf, warum nicht einmal die Deutschen UNMIK Leiter mit ihrer reinen Ganoven Nummer der Bestechung mit der Kosovo Mafia, angeklagt werden. l. In diesen zehn Jahren ist die Korruption gewachsen, sie wurde nicht bekämpft”.[11] Es gebe unter anderem “Tausende von Fällen (…) von Kriminellen, die noch nicht vor Gericht gestellt wurden”. Sämtliche Chefs der Besatzungsverwaltung UNMIK, die laut Pack der faktischen Unterstützung von Korruption schuldig sind, stammten aus EU-Staaten, allein zwei davon aus der Bundesrepublik. Deutschland ist der Staat, dem stets der größte Einfluss auf die UNMIK-Verwaltung zugeschrieben wurde.[12] (PK) ……………………………

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