Kosovo US Botschafterin jammert herum, weil man alle Glaubwürdigkeit sogar bei den Albaner verloren hat.

Posted on November 7, 2014 von


Der erbärmliche Lakaj der Amerikaner UN Generalsekretär Moon, plabbert dann nach, wie ein billige Schallplatte: unten ———- bekanntlich zeigte die UN mit der UNMIK MISSION; das man nur mit Kriminellen und den grössten Verbrechern zusammen arbeitet und diese Clans auch schützte.

Kosova ,Botschafterin Jakobson sagte * Ihr habt es verkackt*

von Kastriot Zeka am 07.11.2014

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Die Internationalen haben Schuld am Albanischen Desaster, weil man mit Krminellen, Mördern, Terroristen einen Staat aufbauen wollte, was schon mangels Bildung mit diesen Idioten nie möglich ist.
Sommersemester 2003
VO: Mafia, Staat und Männlichkeit
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Kreisky
……….Ich will nicht sagen, dass die albanische Nati-on das organisierte Verbrechen repräsentiert. Die albanische Nation ist selbst Opfer des organisierten Verbrechens. (..) Das organisierte Verbrechen will auf dem Gebiet von Kosovo, Albanien und Mazedonien mit Gewalt seinen eigenen Staat errichten, um ungestört mit Drogen, Waffen und Menschen handeln zu können.“54Im Gebiet es ge-samten ehemaligen Jugoslawiens ist der Drogen-, Waffen- wie auch Menschenhandel im großen Umfang unter Kontrolle der albanischen Mafia.
Thierry Cretin erklärt in seinem Buch „Mafias du monde“12,
dass Lek Dukagjeni diese Regeln im XV. Jahrhundert kurz vor der osmanischen Invasion
festgeschrieben hat. Im Jahre 1472 war er dann mit mehreren Clans nach Italien
(Apulien) geflohen. Einige dieser Clans hatten sich in Kalabrien niedergelassen, wo
der Kanun das Leben der Italiener stark geprägt hat. Heutzutage findet man dort die
mafiöse Gruppierung der N‘drangheta, auch in Sizilien gibt es eine große albanische
Kommune. Kommen wir aber zum Kanun zurück. Dieser stellt ein „Gewohnheitsrecht
der Albaner dar, das vor langer Zeit durch die jahrhundertlange Praxis entstanden
ist.“13 Der Kanun hat eine besondere Bedeutung für den albanischen Staat und das
Recht, sowie für die albanische nationale Kultur……….http://evakreisky.at/onlinetexte/mafia_albanien.pdf.

Folgen dieser Verblödung!  und die Intelligenz wandert aus und zurück bleiben die Dümmsten.

Kosova versinkt immer tiefer in Armut

von Enver Haliti Kosova am 01.11.2014

Nach amtlichen Angaben beziehen etwa 30.000 Familien, mit über 120.000 Mitgliedern,Sozialhilfe aus dem Haushalt der Regierung. Die Regierung in Kosova, versucht es als Erfolg darzustellen, dass die Zahl der bezugsberechtigten Familien von 35.000 auf 30.000 Familien zurückgegangen ist. Dieser „Erfolg“ erklärt sich aber nur über strengere Bewilligungspraktiken. Trotz gestiegener




Man arbeitet vor aller Augen mit Mördern und Terroristen.


Shmuley Boteach Is The Son

Shmuley writes racy ‚Orthodox Jewish sex books‘. He was involved with Michael Jackson and an „infamous“ charity in 2000 called Time for Kids where the money went missing.

Jüdische Milliardär Yoav Botach, war Hintermann dieses Waffen Geschäftes u.a. mit seinem Sohn und Jüdischen Rabbis.
Von einem Top UCK Führer wird bestätigt, das es die Albanische Rache, an Serben niemals gab. Damit wird Prof. Kreisky sogar von der UCK Führung bestätigt.

Today, when the prosecutor invited him to clarify that statement, he answered that he is „honored to be able to say that the KLA never took revenge on Serbian civilians.“ He did allow the possibility that „some people who did not belong to the KLA did not control their emotions.“ Jakup Krasniqi’s testimony

Aber warum lügen die Westlichen Politiker und Militärs, wenn ständig das Plündern und Morden inklusive Mord Progrome an Serben, ständig entschuldigt wird?



Former member of in the KLA Main Staff and its spokesperson does not deny that there were „liquidations“ of Kosovo Albanians who „collaborated with the Serbian authorities“, but denies vehemently that KLA members committed any crimes or executed any prisoners

THE HAGUE, 14.2. (SENSE) – Kosovo politician Jakup Krasniqi, former member of the KLA Main Staff and its spokesperson, continued his testimony today at the trial of three men accused of crimes in the Lapusnik camp, claiming that „as far as the political and military leadership knew, no KLA member ever committed a single crime.“ He also claims that the Main Staff „never received any information about executions of prisoners by firing squad.“ He heard about the executions for the first time in February 2003, when „Fatmir and his friends“ were arrested pursuant to an ICTY warrant. Krasniqi apparently does not think that „liquidations of collaborators“ – mentioned in official bulletins of the KLA Main Staff -can be qualified as crimes or executions of prisoners. They were admitted into evidence as prosecution exhibits at the beginning of his testimony at the trial of Fatmir Limaj, Isak Musliu and Haradin Bala. He does not think that such „liquidations“ – executions without due process – constitute a breach of the Geneva Conventions and other norms of international humanitarian law. He claims that KLA troops were familiar with those instruments. The International Red Cross, Krasniqi testified, sent in documents that the KLA was to comply with and they became part of „internal operational rules.“ The International Red Cross also submitted a list of missing persons who were suspected of being detained by the KLA. Krasniqi testified that the Main Staff forwarded that list to regional staffs and units. However, the witness added, „the list did not state when and where those people were taken“, and due to communication problems with KLA elements, „it was impossible to determine whether they had indeed been captured by organized KLA forces.“ Krasniqi also pointed to the possibility that the „Belgrade regime infiltrated civilians among its military and police forces, who might have been killed fighting with the KLA and then declared missing.“ In an interview for Koha Ditore in September 1998 Krasniqi answered the question about the kidnapping of Serbian reporters and civilians by saying that „it is impossible to control the feelings of hatred and revenge engendered by the enemy“. Today, when the prosecutor invited him to clarify that statement, he answered that he is „honored to be able to say that the KLA never took revenge on Serbian civilians.“ He did allow the possibility that „some people who did not belong to the KLA did not control their emotions.“ Jakup Krasniqi’s testimony will continue with the cross-examination of this unwilling prosecution witness by the defense counsel of the three accused. They are charged with the detention, torture and abuse of Serbian and Albanian civilians and the killing of 22 civilians between early May and late July 1998.

(c)2005 SENSE

Kosovo Terroristen in Aktino


Ban concerned over political deadlock in Pristina

NEW YORK – In the latest report on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed concern over the political deadlock in Pristina and urged Kosovo’s leaders to intensify efforts to find a solution and resume the dialogue with Belgrade as soon as possible.

„I am particularly concerned by the protracted political deadlock in Pristina and its potential negative impact on the progress achieved thus far in strengthening democratic institutions and processes in Kosovo,“ Ban said in the report, which will be discussed by the UN Security Council on November 13.

„I strongly urge all of Kosovo’s political entities, and especially their leaders, to intensify efforts to build on the success of the 8 June election and ensure that the current impasse is overcome,“ says the document on UNMIK activities in the period from July 16 to October 15, published on the UN website.

„This generation of leaders must continue the historic process of normalisation with Belgrade, reconcile with the past, make use of the opportunities presented by the stabilisation and association talks with the European Union and continue structural reforms,“ Ban noted.

„I congratulate both the Kosovo authorities and the Government of Serbia on the progress towards a common European future. In this light, I encourage the earliest resumption of the high-level meetings on normalisation of relations, facilitated by the European Union,“ Ban said.

In its 2014 progress report for Serbia, published in October, the European Commission noted that progress in the normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina ties is „essential for advancing the European future of both sides,“ Ban said.

He said that the technical talks have continued and that certain progress has been achieved in integrated management of crossing points, telecommunications, energy and freedom of movement.

„The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) registered 177 individual voluntary returnees to Kosovo during July, August and September 2014, 45 of whom were Kosovo Serbs, 115 Kosovo Roma, Kosovo Ashkali and Kosovo Egyptians, 3 Kosovo Gorani, 1 Montenegrin and 13 Kosovo Albanians,“ Ban said .

„The total number of internally displaced persons residing within Kosovo was 17,227, the majority of whom are Kosovo Serbs“, the report says.

Posted in: Kosovo