Kriegs Verbrecher und NATO Partner: Sylejman Selimi – Alles Verbrecher heute und Terroristen

Posted on Mai 6, 2024 von


siehe Bericht damals: des US Sonderbotschafter Robert Gelbard: UCK, KLA sind eindeutig Terroristen

Samstag, 16. Juli 2011
ZDF Report, über die Kosovo Verbrecher Organisation UCK – KLA, über Zivilisten Entführung und Organ Handel

Das ZDF strahlte am 13.07.2011 um 23:45 Uhr eine Reportage des Frontal 21-Teams über Kriegsverbrechen, Organhandel und die Verstrickung Deutschlands in Verbrechen im Kosovo aus. 

Das Serben in 1998 entführt wurden und veschwanden, war der Hauptgrund, für die Serbischen Sicherheitskräfte für Polizei Operationen, denn genau das ist die Haupt Verantwortung für einen Staat, seine Bevölkerung gegen kriminelle Banden und Terrorististen zu schützen. Colonel John Crosland, ein prominenter Militär Attache, rund um den Kosovo, belegt dies wie andere Militärs, OSCE Beobachter, das die offiziellen UCK Terroristen (siehe auch Report des US Sonder Besandten Robert Gelbard) usw.!

Kriegsverbrechen und Organhandel im Kosovo – Teil 2 von 3 

Kriegsverbrechen und Organhandel im Kosovo – Teil 3 von 3 

Sevim Da delen, Mitglied im Auswärtigen Ausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages und Sprecherin der Fraktion DIE LINKE. für Internationale Beziehungen kritisiert seit langem die Kontinuitäten der deutschen Balkanpolitik, welche Verbrechen wie den illegalen Organhandel erst möglich gemacht hat. Hintergrund ist die Antwort der Bundesregierung auf ihre Kleine Anfrage „Verstrickungen hochrangiger kosovarischer Politiker und Beamter in illegale Handlungen“ (17/6036) über die Komplizenschaft hochrangiger kosovarischer Politiker wie dem sog. Premierminister Hashim Thaçi, der von der Bundesregierung hofiert wird, in Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit sowie die am 9.06.2011 im Deutschen Bundestag gehaltene Plenarrede „KFOR beenden – Bundeswehr raus aus dem Kosovo“.

April 25, 2024

Kosovo Ex-Guerrilla Officer Sylejman Selimi Cleared of Assaulting Prisoner

After a marathon legal process, former Kosovo Liberation Army commander and ex-diplomat Sylejman Selimi and another ex-guerrilla were cleared of one of the war crimes charges against them.

In a separate verdict in 2015, Selimi and Demaku were also found guilty of war crimes in the case known as ‘Drenica 2’.

They were convicted of torturing prisoners at the Likovc/Likovac detention centre and sentenced to seven years in prison each. Selimi was released on probation in 2019.

Selimi was a prominent member of the KLA’s well-known Drenica Group of fighters in central Kosovo. Another leading member of the Drenica Group was former President Hashim Thaci, who is currently being tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague.

After the war, Selimi was appointed commander of the Kosovo Guard, then commander of the Kosovo Protection Corps. He later became the commander of the Kosovo Security Force, until 2011, when he was appointed as Kosovo’s ambassador to Tirana.

Kosovo UCK Mord Schwadronen verhaftet: Sami Lushtaku und Sylejman Selimi wurden verhaftet

März 9, 2024 von balkansurfer


Der Chef der Todeschwadronen im Kosovo Kadri Vesili, wird Parlaments Präsident Eine neue Regierung, in alter Tradtion vollkommen korrupt, Straffrei bei allen Verbrechen, wo Alles Makalatur ist mit Hashim Thaci natürlich. Also wird es keinen Staat im Kosovo geben, da unerwünscht! Hennig Hensch, Jürgen Scholz, General Heinz Loquai über die NATO Lügen zum Kosovo Krieg […]

USA Einreise Verbot: Limaj, Haradinaj, Selimi, Lushtaku e Behxheti, në listën e zezë të SHBA-ve

Januar 27, 2014 von balkansurfer


Kosovo: Alle haben Einreise Verbot in die USA, wobei Nuri Bexheti, sogar noch Berater von Enver Hoxha war und seinen historischen Müll verbreiten kann, was damals die Grundlage der UCK Banditen war. Es sind über 200 Personen der Albanischen Politik, was identisch ist mit der Mafia und Verbrechern, welche Einreise Verbot haben in die USA. […]

Sylejman Selimi, Geci: The Kosovo killer swadron – Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas Charged With Murder and Torture

November 9, 2013 von balkansurfer


Seit 15 Jahren, in allen Details ist die Sache bekannt, weil die Verbrecher auch noch in Albanien ihre Landsleute ermordeten, in einem Konkurrenz Kampf vor allem in Durres, wo sich alle diese prmiitiven Verbrecher bis heute aufhalten, wo auch ein Xhavit Halili, jüngst erneut in der Rruga Taulantia gesichtet wurde, bei dem Mafia Hotel Aragosta, […]

Kadri Kastrati löst den Mörder und Kriminellen Sylejman Selimi, an der Spitze des FSK im Kosovo ab

November 23, 2011 von balkansurfer


Der Verbrecher und Mitglied der Todesschwadronen gegen Kosovaren und ebenso in Albanien ab 1998, will nun Botschafter werden in Tirana, wo ja viele seiner Berufs Verbrecher Freunde leben. Oder er will seine Mafia Geschäfte koordinieren, mit Hilfe der Tirana Mafia, des Salih Berisha. NATO Secret Report, über die Mafia Verbindungen des Auftrags Killer und Mörder […]

Albanien und die NATO, baut mit dem Chef der Hashim Thaci Todesschwadron das Militär auf: Sulejman Selimi

Dezember 15, 2009 von balkansurfer


Albania and Kosovo millitary cooperation Arms PM Berisha during the meeting with the Cheif of Staff of Kosovo Security Forces Lieutenant General Sulejman Selimi, declared that: „The Albanian Government is oppened to help albanian kosovo students to studing to Albanian Military Academy“. Albania this year welcomes about 800 students from Kosovo, FYROM and Preshevo Walley […]

Tony Blair, und sein krimineller Terroristen Partner: Hashim Thaci vor Gericht

September 23, 2023 von agronkrasniqi


Blair’s Former Allies on Trial for War Crimes April 14, 2023 Merken During the 1999 conflict over Kosovo, the KLA was seen by the U.K. as terrorist, but was covertly and overtly supported by the Labour government, Mark Curtis reports. Former KLA leader Hashim Thaçi, on right, with former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair with the […]

Die Kosovo UCK/KLA Folter Terroristen in Kukes, wurden angeklagt

Februar 21, 2023 von balkansurfer


Sylejman Selimi, Geci: The Kosovo killer swadron – Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas Charged With Murder and Torture November 9, 2013 von balkansurfer Seit 15 Jahren, in allen Details ist die Sache bekannt, weil die Verbrecher auch noch in Albanien ihre Landsleute ermordeten, in einem Konkurrenz Kampf vor allem in Durres, wo sich alle diese prmiitiven Verbrecher bis heute […]

3 Drogenbosse in Durres festgenommen, welche die Ex-Vize Innenministerin: Rovena Voda bestochen hatten

Januar 26, 2023 von agronkrasniqi


58 Haftbefehle, 21 Personen verhaftet. Alles normal in Albanien, Kriminelle haben den Staat übernommen: „State Capture“ Albanian, Italian Authorities Conclude Operation Against Drug Gang Albania’s Special Prosecution and counterparts in Bergamo, Italy, have cracked a drug-busting operation run by three Albanians, seizing large amounts of cocaine, heroin and marijuana. Kriminelle Innenminister, wie zuletzt Samir Tahari, […]

Urteile gegen die UCK Terroristen, Drogenbosse, Mörder und Partner von Angela Merkel, Steinmeier, KfW und Co.

Januar 13, 2023 von agronkrasniqi


Sehr schlechte Karten haben die Berufsverbrecher in Berlin, mit Baerbock, Steinmeier auch in der Ukraine, denn auch die Kosovo Lügen, das kriminelle Treiben unter Joschka Fischer, ist nun in die Luft geflogen, wobei der Spiegel, Amtliche Berichte, OSC Berichte Alle von den Kriminellen Umtrieben, auch Kosovo Albaner zu ermorden schon damals sprachen. Man brachte Kosovo […]

PDK Terrorist: Kosovos Präsident Hashim Thaçi festgenommen

November 6, 2020 von balkansurfer


Die Banden, wurden mit einer NATO Maschine, nach Brüssel geflogen, was die Medien verschweigen, Halb Albanien, Kosovo, ist aus der EU, NATO , Berliner Verbrecher Region schon ausgewandert Vor seiner Verhaftung, trat er zur Optik als Präsident zurück, Madeleine Allgriht, Wolfgang Petrisch, Joschka Fischers, hoch krimineller Schützling. in 1998 bekannt,man sprach wenige Jahre von 1.500 […]

„Kein Interesse an staatlicher Ordnung“
Über Thaçi kann sich Berlin nicht im Unklaren sein. Bereits im Jahr 2005 wurden Auszüge aus einem Bericht des Bundesnachrichtendienstes bekannt, in dem es hieß, über „Key-Player“ wie ihn bestünden „engste Verflechtungen zwischen Politik, Wirtschaft und international operierenden OK-Strukturen im Kosovo“. Die „dahinter stehenden Netzwerke“ hätten keinerlei „Interesse am Aufbau einer funktionierenden staatlichen Ordnung, durch die ihre florierenden Geschäfte beeinträchtigt werden können.“[5] Zwei Jahre später bestätigte eine im Auftrag der Bundeswehr verfasste Analyse diesen Befund.[6] Dass ein „Key-Player“, dessen „Netzwerken“ kein „Interesse am Aufbau einer funktionierenden staatlichen Ordnung“ nachgesagt wird, auch im Amt des Premierministers von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unterstützt wird, entbehrt nicht eines gewissen Zynismus: Schließlich gehört Berlin zu den tonangebenden Mächten unter den westlichen Besatzern des Kosovo, die vorgeben, dort staatliche Strukturen aufbauen zu wollen. Zuletzt hat die Bundesregierung dem Kosovo vor zwei Jahren umfangreichere Hilfe versprochen; zugesagt wurden 100 Millionen Euro. Der Nutzen der Finanztransfers bleibt im Dunkel: Die Arbeitslosigkeit im Kosovo ist mit offiziell 45 Prozent die höchste in ganz Europa, fast zwei Fünftel der Bevölkerung leben laut Angaben der Weltbank bis heute in Armut. Selbst das Bundesentwicklungsministerium gibt an, im Kosovo sei „wirtschaftlicher Aufschwung (…) noch nicht zu verzeichnen“.[7]


Todesschwadronen der Haradinaj, Thaci, Halili Gang, war Alles Ende September bestens bekannt in Militär und Geheimdienst Kreisen aus Albanien, denn diese Leute machten sich vor aller Augen in Tirana und Durres breit, und kontrollierten die Verbrecher Regionen von Tropoje, Baram Curri.

Der Mord an Ahmet Krasniqi, bleibt unbeahnt.

Ein damaliger prominenter NATO Militär Attache, bestätigt, das damals 200 Serben bereits entführt waren.

Organ Handel, Entführung von 200 Serben schon in 1998, Alles wird vertuscht! Die Quelle ist eine damalige Top Info Sammelstelle, der US Uni Buffalo, welche den Diensten Jahrelang als Info Stelle diente. 

Trial Hears of KLA Terror Tactics

Former military attaché tells of kidnapped Serbs and of how paramilitaries treated Albanians believed to be loyal to the Serb administration. By Michael FarquharInternational Justice – ICTYTRI Issue 389,

17 Nov 05

…………………………………. …………….
Former attaché Colonel John Crosland – whose face was hidden from
public view by screens and image distortion, just as it was when he
testified against Slobodan Milosevic in July 2002 – told judges on
Thursday that clashes between the fledgling KLA and Serbian forces began
well before the Lapusnik camp is alleged to have opened, and intensified
through the course of 1998.

He also said the KLA regularly kidnapped ethnic Serbs in an effort
to terrorise the population, and attacked Albanians it suspected of
But while he spoke of training programmes, supply routes and
regional headquarters, he expressed some scepticism about the extent to
which the KLA had an organised command structure at the time.
Crosland’s testimony was largely made up of comments on a series of
“diplomatic telegrams” presented to him by the prosecution. The bulk of
these documents are still under seal, and two legal advisors of the
British government were present in the courtroom throughout his
testimony to ensure this measure was respected.
With reference to the events described in these reports, Crosland
told judges that even as early as March and April 1998, clashes between
Serbian forces and ethnic Albanian rebels in the Drenica Valley – a KLA
heartland – were spreading to the area around the border with Albania,
where the KLA was bringing in munitions and men along traditional
smuggling routes.
According to the diplomatic reports, by the second half of April,
western journalists were saying that the KLA virtually controlled areas
just over the border in Albania.
There were also indications that the KLA was operating training
camps in the Albanian towns of Tropoja, Bajram Curri and Kukes.
One diplomatic report presented by the prosecution noted that
kidnappings of Serbs had reached such a point that Serbs were beginning
to avoid travel around Kosovo.
“In October we estimated something like 200 Serbs were missing,
presumed having been kidnapped by Albanian elements,” Crosland told the
The witness also discussed media reports that the KLA had carried
out grenade attacks on businesses and restaurants in Pec belonging to
Albanians who were suspected of collaborating with the Serbs.
“These attacks… were similar to what went on throughout this
campaign, where Albanians who were seen to be siding with the Serb
administration were taken out and their businesses either bombed and
they themselves murdered,” Crosland told judges.
The trial continues.


Die Ermordung des Militär Chefs der FARK-UCK Ahmet Krasniqi 1998

Komplett kriminell, schimpft sich in der Mafia Uni Phristina Proffessor.

 Dr. Ajvaz Berisha, profesor i asocuar
Fakulteti i Edukimit Fizik dhe i Sportit
+381 38 243 747
Biografia – CV

Konsulat der Republik Kosova in Frankfurt am Main
Leiter: Herr Ajvaz Berisha Konsul

Rudolfstraße 13-17
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 (0) 69 27 133 920
Fax.: +49 (0) 69 27 1333 92 29
Notfallnummer: +49 (0) 69 27 133 92 10

Montag bis Freitag: von 09:00h bis 12:30h und von 13:30h bis 17:00h

Montag bis Donnerstag: von 09:30h bis 11:30h und von 14:00h bis 16:30h
Freitag: nur nach Vereinbarung

Der Konsularbezirk umfasst die Länder: Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland. 

April 25, 2016

Dick Marty speaks after potential KLA crimes witness is shot

Dick Marty has warned that „some people“ who were to testify before a new court for KLA crimes „have already been killed.“

Dick Marty (Tanjug, file)
Dick Marty (Tanjug, file)

The Swiss senator and former Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur, spoke a day after the killing of Bedri Curri, a former KLA member and potential witness for the court. Curri’s body was found last week near Glogovac in Kosovo.

„Witness protection is the biggest problem. We have information that some have already been killed in order to cover up the traces of the crimes,“ said Marty, according to Radio Kontakt Plus, that was quoting Pristina-based daily Bota Sot.

Unnamed sources in Pristina said that Curri, a former member of the ethnic Albanian „Kosovo Liberation Army“ (KLA) was a prosecution witness in trials to be conducted before the special war crimes court for KLA crimes, that will be located in The Hague.

During the Kosovo conflict, Curri was a member of the 114th Brigade of the KLA called „Fehmi Landrovci“ where his direct superior was his Ajvaz Berisha, known also as „Commander Tiger.“

After the war, Berisha was an advisor in the Ministry of Trade of Kosovo, a professor at the Faculty of Physical Education, and is now Kosovo’s consul in Frankfurt, Germany, the paper said. Curri was killed with a shot to the head, not far from a school in the village of Gornja Korotica.

Dick Marty – who in 2010 investigated allegations of KLA’s illicit trade in human organs harvested from kidnapped Serb and other civilians – now warned about the „incompetence“ of EULEX and UNMIK – EU and UN missions in Kosovo – to protect witnesses there and prevent information leakage.

The problem of witness protection was present during the only two trials for KLA commanders before the Hague Tribunal. Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj were both acquitted for lack of evidence.

At least five witnesses were allegedly killed when it comes to the Haradinaj case. Tribunal’s chief prosecutors, Carla del Ponte and later Serge Brammertz, on several occasions complained to the UN Security Council about problems related to witness protection.

The special court for crimes of the KLA was formed on the basis of Marty’s report on ties between key KLA commanders with crimes and organized crime. The first indictments are expected by the end of this year. 

List of people who will be tried by the Tribunal
Meanwhile, quoting secure sources, the prominent journalist, Milaim Zeka has published today the names that will be tried by the Tribunal.
From the ranks of PDK

  1. Agim Çeku, former chief of the General Staff of KLA and former Prime Minister of Kosovo.
  2. Azem Syla, former KLA commander
  3. Hashim Thaci, head of the Political Office of KLA. Leader of PDK, former PM and current Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kosovo.
  4. Kadri Veseli, former head of the National Informative Services of KLA, current Speaker of the Parliament of Kosovo and deputy chair of PDK, the largest party in the country.
  5. Xhavit Haliti, former member of the General Staff of KLA, responsible for Albania and liaison officer of this organization with different international organizations. Current deputy speaker of the Parliament of Kosovo.
  6. Shaip Muja, former head of the health service at the General Staff of KLA, currently an independent MP in the Parliament of Kosovo.
  7. Ajvaz Berisha, commander of the KLA special units, professor of the Public University and currently a consul in Frankfurt.

From AAK:

  1. Daut Haradinaj, former commander of KLA, accused of war crimes after the war and convicted several years in prison. Currently an MP.
  2. Blerim Kuqi, former KLA commander, former mayor of Suhareka.
  3. Lahi Ibrahimaj, former member of KLA General Staff, accused by the Tribunal of Hague along with Ramush Haradinaj. Currently an MP.

From Self Determination:

  1. Rexhep Selimi, former member of the General Staff of KLA. Currently an MP.

From the Incentive:

  1. Fatmir Limaj, former member of the General Staff, former minister in the previous government. Currently, leader of the Incentive for Kosovo party and MP.

Bislim Zyrapi, former head of the General Staff of KLA, who was replaced by Agim Ceku. /ibna/




Introduction1. Continuity of terrorist organization of Albanian extremists 2. Characteristics of ANA activities3. Data on the victims of violence in K&M4. Organized crime- Criminal activities in K&M- Activities of the Albanian mafia around the world- Influence of criminal factors from the Republic of Albania5. The Role of Albanian Emigration6. Pan-Islamic Factor

List of terrorists and members of organized criminal organizations in K&M 


Der Iran Contra Skandal in den USA, spielte sich im US Staat: Arkansas ab, wo Bill Clinton Governeuer war und seine Ehefrau Hillary Clinton Millionen daran verdiente, als Anwältin der Prominenz der Super Drogen Schmuggler und der Militärs. Mit Marc Rich, war ein Welt operierender Verbrecher ebenso ein Langzeit Parnter, identisch wie Yassin Kadi und Bin Laden im Balkan, wobei Yassin Kadi Zeitgleich Financier auch von Izbegovic und Recep Erdogan war.

U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee - Larry E. Craig, Chairman - Jade West, Staff Director

The Kosovo Liberations Army: Does Clinton Policy Support Grouop with Terror, Drug Ties? From ‚Terrorists‘ to ‚Partners‘ On March 24, 1999, NATO initiated air attacks on Yugoslavia (a federation of two republics, On March 24, 1999, NATO initiated air attacks on Yugoslavia (a federation of two republics, Serbia and Montenegro) in order to impose a peace agreement in the Serbian province of Kosovo, which has an ethnic Albanian majority. The Clinton Administration has not formally withdrawn its standing insistence that Belgrade sign the peace agreement, which would entail the deployment in Kosovo of some 28,000 NATO ground troops — including 4,000 Americans — to police the settlement. But in recent days the Clinton public line has shifted to a demand that Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic halt the offensive he has launched in Kosovo, which has led to a growing humanitarian crisis in the region, before there can be a stop to the bombing campaign. One week into the bombing campaign, there is widespread discussion of options for further actions. One option includes forging a closer relationship between the United States and a controversial group, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), a group which has been cited in unofficial reports for alleged ties to drug cartels and Islamic terrorist organizations. This paper will examine those allegations in the context of the currently unfolding air campaign. Results of Week One The air assault is a product of a Clinton policy, which for months has been directed toward intervention in Kosovo, in either the form of the use of air power or of the introduction of a peacekeeping ground force — or of air power followed by a ground force. [For details on the turbulent history of Kosovo and of the direction of Clinton policy leading to the current air campaign, see: …………..and „Bosnia II: The Clinton Administration Sets Course for NATO Intervention in Kosovo,“ 8/12/98.] Just hours before the first bombs fell, the Senate voted 58 to 41 (with 38 Republicans voting in the negative) to authorize air and missile strikes against Yugoslavia (S. Con. Res. 21). The Senate then approved by voice vote a second resolution expressing support for members of the U.S. Armed Forces engaged in military operations against Yugoslavia (S. Res. 74). Prior to the air campaign, the stated goal of Clinton policy, as noted above, was Belgrade’s acceptance of the peace agreement signed by the Kosovo Albanian delegation (which included representatives of the KLA) on March 17. Now, more than a week into the air campaign, that goal appears even more elusive as the NATO attack has rallied Serbian resistance to what they see as an unjustified foreign aggression. Since the NATO bombing campaign began, Serbian security forces also have intensified an offensive in Kosovo that began as the airstrikes appeared inevitable. According to numerous media reports, tens of thousands of Albanians are fleeing the Serb army, and police forces and paramilitary groups that, based on credible allegations, are committing widespread atrocities, including summary executions, burnings of Albanian villages, and assassination of human rights activists and community leaders. Allied officials have denounced the apparently deliberate forced exodus of Albanian civilians as ethnic cleansing and even genocide. But according to some refugee accounts, the NATO bombing is also a factor in the exodus: „[M]ost residents of the provincial capital say they are leaving of their own accord and are not being forced out at gunpoint, as residents of several western cities and villages in Kosovo say has been happening to them. . . . Pristina residents who made it to Macedonia said their city is still largely intact, despite the targeting of ethnic Albanian businesses by Serbian gangs and several direct hits from NATO air strikes in the city center“ [„Cause of Kosovar Exodus from Pristina Disputed: Serbs Are Forcing Exit, Some Claim; Others Go on Own,“ Washington Times, 3/31/99]. At the same time, the Clinton Administration, consistent with its track record on Kosovo, has ignored credible but unconfirmed evidence from sources not connected to Milosevic’s Serbian government that the NATO campaign has resulted in far more civilian damage than has been acknowledged. Making Things Worse? The Clinton Administration and NATO officials flatly reject any suggestion that their policy has exacerbated an already bad situation on the ground in Kosovo. With neighboring Albania and Macedonia in danger of being destabilized by a flood of refugees, questions are being raised about NATO’s ability to continue the campaign unless positive results are evident soon:

„With critics arguing that the NATO campaign has made things worse, the alliance must slow the Serbs‘ onslaught or watch public support and alliance unity unravel. U.S. and NATO officials angrily rebutted the critics, arguing that Mr. Milosevic, the Serbian leader, and his forces were already on the rampage before NATO strikes began.“ [„NATO Is Set to Target Sites in Belgrade,“ Wall Street Journal, 3/29/99]

If the immediate NATO goal has now shifted to stopping the Serb offensive in Kosovo, observers point to three likely options [WSJ, 3/29/99]: „Option One is to continue the air campaign, increasingly targeting Serb frontline troops [in Kosovo], but it could be days before the onslaught is really slowed.“ This option, which NATO has already begun to implement, is likely to entail greater risk to NATO aircraft and crews, due to the lower and slower flightpaths needed to deliver tactical strikes. Still, most observers doubt the offensive can be halted with air power alone. Late reports indicate increased bombing of targets in Belgrade, the capital of both the Yugoslav federation and the Serbian republic. „Option Two is to start considering intervening on the ground.“ In recent days, the Clinton Administration has begun to shift its position on NATO ground troops from a categorical assurance that ground troops would go in only to police a peace settlement to hints that they might, depending on some unspecified „conditions,“ be introduced into a combat environment. For example, in comments on March 28, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Henry Shelton suggested that certain „assessments“ had been made, but that there was as yet no political agreement on ground troops:

„There have been assessments made, but those assessments were based on varying conditions that existed in Kosovo… At this point in time, there are no plans per se to introduce ground troops.“ [NBC’s „Meet the Press,“ 3/28/99]

Option Three: arming the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army to carry the war on the ground while NATO continues it from the air.“ This option, which would make NATO the overt air force of the KLA, would also dash any possibility of a solution that would not result in a change in Balkan borders, perhaps setting off a round of widespread regional instability. Clinton Administrations officials have begun to suggest that independence may now be justified in view of the Serb offensive. The KLA has been explicit in its determination to not only achieve an independent Kosovo but to „liberate“ Albanian-inhabited areas of Montenegro (including the Montenegrin capital, Podgorica), Macedonia (including the Macedonian capital, Skopje), and parts of northern Greece; most of these areas were in fact annexed to Albania under Axis occupation during World War II. (For a visual representation of the areas claimed by the KLA, see the map at the website of the pro-KLA Albanian-American Civic League at Note that arming and training the KLA, as called for in Option Three, would highlight serious questions about the nature of the KLA and of the Clinton Administration’s relationship with it. The KLA: from ‚Terrorists‘ to ‚Partners‘ The Kosovo Liberation Army „began on the radical fringe of Kosovar Albanian politics, originally made up of diehard Marxist-Leninists (who were bankrolled in the old days by the Stalinist dictatorship next door in Albania) as well as by descendants of the fascist militias raised by the Italians in World War II“ [„Fog of War — Coping With the Truth About Friend and Foe: Victims Not Quite Innocent,“ New York Times, 3/28/99]. The KLA made its military debut in February 1996 with the bombing of several camps housing Serbian refugees from wars in Croatia and Bosnia [Jane’s Intelligence Review, 10/1/96]. The KLA (again according to the highly regarded Jane’s,) „does not take into consideration the political or economic importance of its victims, nor does it seem at all capable of seriously hurting its enemy, the Serbian police and army. Instead, the group has attacked Serbian police and civilians arbitrarily at their weakest points. It has not come close to challenging the region’s balance of military power“ [Jane’s, 10/1/96]. The group expanded its operations with numerous attacks through 1996 but was given a major boost with the collapse into chaos of neighboring Albania in 1997, which afforded unlimited opportunities for the introduction of arms into Kosovo from adjoining areas of northern Albania, which are effectively out of the control of the Albanian government in Tirana. From its inception, the KLA has targeted not only Serbian security forces, who may be seen as legitimate targets for a guerrilla insurgency, but Serbian and Albanian civilians as well. In view of such tactics, the Clinton Administration’s then-special envoy for Kosovo, Robert Gelbard, had little difficulty in condemning the KLA (also known by its Albanian initials, UCK) in terms comparable to those he used for Serbian police repression:

Robert Gelbard:

Fatos Klosi: Albanian Secret Service

“ ‚The violence we have seen growing is incredibly dangerous,‘ Gelbard said. He criticized violence ‚promulgated by the (Serb) police‘ and condemned the actions of an ethnic Albanian underground group Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) which has claimed responsibility for a series of attacks on Serb targets. ‚We condemn very strongly terrorist actions in Kosovo. The UCK is, without any questions, a terrorist group,‘ Gelbard said.“ [Agence France Presse, 2/23/98]

Mr. Gelbard’s remarks came just before a KLA attack on a Serbian police station led to a retaliation that left dozens of Albanians dead, leading in turn to a rapid escalation of the cycle of violence. Responding to criticism that his earlier remarks might have been seen as Washington’s „green light“ to Belgrade that a crack-down on the KLA would be acceptable, Mr. Gelbard offered to clarify to the House Committee on International Relations:

„Questioned by lawmakers today on whether he still considered the group a terrorist organization, Mr. Gelbard said that while it has committed ‚terrorist acts,‘ it has ’not been classified legally by the U.S. Government as a terrorist organization.‘ “ [New York Times, 3/13/98]

…………………… September 19, 2005 js-2727 Treasury Designates Bin Laden, Qadi Associate The U.S. Department of the Treasury today designated Dr. Abdul Latif Saleh pursuant to Executive Order 13224 for providing support to Usama bin Laden and al Qaida………………. 08.12.200509:50 (GMT) The Albanian government has seized the assets and bank accounts of Abdul Latif Saleh who allegedly worked with Osama bin Laden to supporting terror networks in Albania, Serbianna reported citing Albanian Finance Ministry. Albania blocked 33 bank accounts in three commercial banks as well as assets and investments in Saleh’s businesses and civic organizations he was involved with. Saleh founded an Albanian jihadist group that has been bankrolled by the Al Haramain Foundation, an Islamic charity with alleged links to al-Qaida. Saleh is believed to be associated with Yasin al Qadi, a Saudi businessman. Abdul Latif Saleh, who holds Jordanian and Albanian citizenship, left Albania three years ago. He was placed on a UN sanctions list in September. He is also being investigated for alleged money-laundering for al-Qaida. Earlier this year, Albanian authorities seized property and froze the assets of four foundations and a married couple accused by the United Nations of funding terrorist activities.

Posted in: Allgemeines